Chemical Exfoliants Part B

Welcome to Part 4 of the Skincare series.
We continue with chemical exfoliants. Today we discuss Bakuchiol, Retinol, and Niacinamide.

Bakuchiol is a plant extract which is natural and less irritating alternative to retinol. Use it after cleansing in the morning. 

Benifits of Bakuchiol : reduces wrinkles, increases skin firmness, reduces the appearance of pores.

It can be used with hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, alpha arbutin.

Avoid using with Vitamin C, Retinol, Glycolic, Lactic, Salicylic Acid.

Retinol also known as Vitamin A. Retinoid reduces fine lines, wrinkles, improves skin colour. Retinoids are well known for reducing formation of acne and clearing acne scars. Beginners can experience redness or irritation but after some time the skin gets used to it. Sunscreen is must after using retinol. Retinoids increases the sensitivity to sun so it's better if it is included in evening routine.

Effects of retinol : reduces acne, dark spots, oiliness, scarring, skin maturing.

Using AHA, BHA and Vitamin C with retinol can cause irritation and redness, do not mix. If you don't want to risk it, give a week's time break to your skin. 

Niacinamide is a form of Vitamin B3. It can be used daily. Upto 5% is great to use but for sensative skin starting with a lower percentage would be adviced. It is found in foods like meat, fish, milk, eggs, cereal grains, beans, and green vegetables.

It helps in : reducing enlarged pores, weakened skin, uneven skin tone, wrinkles, redness, regulates oil and dullness. 

Retinols work good with niacinamide, but 'niacinamide' should be applied first.

Do not mix Niacinamide with Vitamin C. 

Photo Credit : Shreya

Read more of the Skincare series :

Main Write up by Shreya Acharekar
Edited by Abigail D'cruz

Hope you guys found this helpful. This was the final part of the Skincare series. New stuff coming up. Comment below what chemical exfoliants would work for you. Share with your friends, & make sure to follow for more amazing reads.



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